When they got in the car, the kid was clearly still baffled and couldn’t understand what the hell was happening. If he were in his place, Vincent assumed he would’ve been the same. He started and drove off, not before sending a text to some of his subordinates. He wouldn’t be followed.
As he drove, sometimes he glanced at the kid. Sacha. According to the paperwork, he was 17. He looked miserable in the lab’s gown, his hair shaved, visibly underfed. He hadn’t uttered a word since they ran to the car, and was looking out the window. Good. Vincent wouldn’t have known how to handle a conversation with a teen he didn’t know at all.
It was only hours later, when they stopped for food, that the kid spoke. His voice was broken and raspy, as if he hadn’t used it in a long time. Except maybe to scream.
- Who are you ?
While Vincent was sitting on the hood of the car, Sacha had apparently decided to sit in the grass near the road. As far away from Vincent as he dared. The adult guessed that his brother was considering his chances of survival in the wild.
- My name’s Vincent, he answered.
Suddenly, before he could add anything, Sacha’s eyes lit up. Oh no. He’d been told about Vincent.
- You’re my brother ?
Hope. Disgusting.
- I guess, he waved off. Mostly I’m here because I promised mom to save you.
Sacha had jumped on his feet now, forgetting to be scared.
- What was she like ? And your dad ? What-
- I don’t remember much, he interrupted with a half-lie. They… I mostly tried to forget everything about that. Sorry.
- Oh.
Sacha looked disappointed, and finished eating in silence. The apathy in Vincent’s voice wasn’t what he had wanted, but that was all the older brother had to give. The car ride would be long.
But Vincent would have kept his promise and that was all he was after.